
HTTP and HTTPS Protocol – What’s the Difference Between Them?

HTTP and HTTPS – Differences

Nowadays, the Internet is an integral part of our lives, and billions of people use the network every day for work, education, entertainment, and shopping. Behind all this are protocols that allow the exchange of data between the computer and the server. In this text, we will focus on the two most known and used protocols: HTTP and HTTPS.

What is HTTP?

HTTP, or HyperText Transfer Protocol, is a standard network protocol used to transmit data on the Internet. It was developed in 1989 and since then has become the basic protocol that enables communication between the server and the web browser. All websites that start with “http://” use this protocol. HTTP enables the transfer of text, images, sound, and other types of files between the server and the browser.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS, or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, is an improved version of HTTP and is used to ensure the security of data transmission. Unlike HTTP, HTTPS encrypts data before sending it from the computer to the server and after receiving it on the server. This means that if someone tries to intercept data during transmission, they will only have useless encrypted data.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

  • The most important difference between HTTP and HTTPS is that HTTPS provides data transmission security, while HTTP does not. When a user enters a website using HTTPS, data transferred between the computer and the server are encrypted, which means they are safe from interception by third parties.
  • Another important difference is that websites using HTTPS require an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) certificate. The certificate is issued by a trusted entity and confirms that the website is genuine and safe.
  • HTTP and HTTPS are the two most important network protocols that enable data exchange on the Internet. Although both protocols allow data transfer between the server and the browser, HTTPS provides additional security by encrypting data. Therefore, it is recommended to use HTTPS, especially for websites that collect confidential information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
  • If you own a website, it is worth considering switching to HTTPS to ensure security and trust for your users. It’s also important to remember that many search engines, like Google, consider HTTPS sites more valuable and index them better in search results.

In conclusion

HTTP and HTTPS are protocols that allow data exchange on the Internet, but HTTPS offers additional security by encrypting data. If you want to provide security and trust for your users, it’s worth considering switching to HTTPS. This can also help in positioning your site in search results and increasing its visibility.

If you want to install an SSL certificate on your site, you might consider using the services of providers such as useWeb. useWeb offers easy-to-use tools and technical support to help you carry out the SSL certificate installation process smoothly and quickly. This way, you can be sure that your site is safe and secure, and your users can trust your site.


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Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers - HTTP vs HTTPS Protocols

How does HTTP differ from HTTPS?

HTTP is a standard network protocol for transmitting data over the Internet, while HTTPS is an enhanced version of HTTP that provides data security through encryption.

What is the significance of the HTTP protocol?

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) enables the transfer of data like text, images, and sound between a server and a web browser. Websites starting with “http://” use this protocol.

What characterizes the HTTPS protocol?

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is an improved version of HTTP that encrypts data during transmission. This ensures that data remains secure and is protected from interception by third parties.

What is the main difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

The primary difference lies in security. HTTPS ensures data encryption during transmission, safeguarding it from interception. Websites using HTTPS require an SSL or TLS certificate, confirming their security.

Why should you migrate your site from HTTP to HTTPS?

Transitioning to HTTPS enhances user security and trust in your site. It also impacts search engine rankings and visibility positively.