
Nasza realizacja:



Acer Polska




20/10/2019 - now


For the international company Acer, we had the honor of creating a series of responsive Landing Page websites. You can review them by selecting the links below:


Our main goal was to promote and present various company products. In designing these pages, we focused on carefully selecting brand-specific fonts, suitably chosen graphics, and distinctive color schemes that reflected both the advertised products and the Acer brand identity.

Each of the created websites was designed in a way that fully highlighted all the features and advantages of the promoted products. We created attractive page layouts that made it easy to browse product information, as well as presenting their features and capabilities in a clear and compelling manner.

While coding the pages, we ensured their responsiveness, meaning that the sites perfectly adjust to different screen resolutions, providing an optimal user experience regardless of the device they are viewed on.

In addition, each page was integrated with existing online stores to allow direct and easy access to product purchases. We created buttons and links that directed visitors to the appropriate product pages in the online stores, encouraging them to make a purchase.


We created a series of responsive Landing Pages for the international company Acer, promoting their products with tailored color schemes, branded fonts, and attractive graphics. Our websites focus on clearly presenting the features and benefits of the products and integrate with existing online stores. We encourage you to check out our online implementations.